Goime 5

Goime 5 is a work in progress 3D adventure? game.



Goime5 - Alpha2 (Alpha1 was just a ball and hills)

ToDo in Alpha2

+ A actual tutorial

? Possibly a menu screen



broken html is broken broken html is broken broken html is broken
Play / Downloads

You actuallly don't need a download. You can play it right now
Here (Alpha 2)

But if you want to be hardcore and download the nightly verison,

It'll be a bit harder.

There is no point in downloading the nightly's right now, because the lastest verison is already on the web.


Goime5Alpha2 (Windows) Goime5Alpha2 (Mac, i dont know if it works lol)

Press the download link. (zip or no zip im pretty sure it'll work)


Want to suggest stuff? ask Zelo101#0138 on discord